
Upcoming classes, workshops, retreats, and events.

2/24/2023, Minneapolis
A Writing Plan for Hard Times
Finding the time and energy to write can be a challenge even at the best of times, but what do you do when you’re navigating burnout? Or grief? Or mental or physical challenges? When times are tough, writing can be a practice that brings healing and catharsis, but prioritizing writing can seem like an insurmountable challenge.
Through writing exercises focusing on self exploration, we’ll explore the barriers that keep us from writing and find ways to balance creative expression and healing with our modern, busy lives. Participation in sharing your own experiences and resources to get through hard times is encouraged but not required.

A Writing Plan for Hard Times | The Loft Literary Center

1/30 - 2/20/2023, Online
Navigating Publishing for the Neurodivergent Writer
Learn how to showcase your passion and unique vision while navigating barriers to publication. Class sessions will focus on working around common challenges, writing for different audiences, how to utilize the feedback process to learn common standards and conventions, and how to find the right publishers, agents, and markets.

Navigating Publishing for the Neurodivergent Writer | The Loft Literary Center