Book Release: 99 Fleeting Fantasies

99 Fleeting Fantasies is coming out February 15th, and I'm floored to be in a collection with some of my favorite authors, including Seanan McGuire, Premee Mohamed, and Cat Rambo.

Book Release: 99 Fleeting Fantasies

In 2022, as I was driving home from ChiCon, I received an email that Jennifer Brozek wanted to acquire my short story, "Ephemeral Offerings," for the anthology 99 Fleeting Fantasies.

Now the book is coming out February 15th, and I'm floored to be in a collection with some of my favorite authors, including Seanan McGuire, Premee Mohamed, and Cat Rambo.

If you follow the link above, you can pre-order the e-book, and there should be a paperback edition that is also released on the 15th.