2024 Midyear Update: Readings, Classes, and More

2024 Midyear Update: Readings, Classes, and More

I have a lot going on, I've been talking to some organizations about offering classes and retreats around Wisconsin, so I'll probably have more news coming soon.

I will be reading one of my short stories at an event on July 28 at noon at Arkana Books in The Draw in Appleton. https://www.facebook.com/events/437658269201736

I'll be teaching a Queering Epistolary Fiction class for six weeks at Arkana Books starting the evening of August 15.

In September, I'll be at this writing retreat.

And then, in October, I'm planning to attend World Fantasy in Niagara Falls.

It's halfway through the year, so I thought I'd post some writing news.

2024 Publications:

"Ephemeral Offerings," 99 Fleeting Fantasies.

I'm currently in another round of rewrites for my "vampires suffering under capitalism" novella. The last draft had a lot of positive feedback from publishers and editors, so that feedback is shaping this final pass.

In March I entered a novella writing contest and wrote a novella about a time traveling lesbian in two months. It ended up placing third in my division, so I'll be working on its revisions next.

Last year I submitted 28 stories to magazines/publishers for the whole year. So far this year, I've already submitted 27. One of those submissions is now on hold with a magazine for a reprint of my story "The Freedom to Decide."

Things should be a bit quieter this month than last, so I'm looking forward to concentrating on my writing and resting up before my next trip in August.